For You & Your Family! |
Frequently Asked Questions How can I find a local Provider?
You can access our Provider Search tool by clicking the blue button above. With this flexible tool you can search for providers in your area. You do not need to fill in all of the form fields. Filling in only the zip code will provide a more select number of providers. To broaden your search fill in only the county name.
Is my current Provider in your network?
Click on the Provider Search button above to search for providers. You must type in the correct spelling to locate a specific provider. You are not required to fill in all the fields in the form.
Why is my provider not listed in your network?
There could be several reasons why your provider might not show up in the provider search. Please check for the following and try your search again.
If none of the above suggestions help, your provider may not be in our network. Click Nominate a Provider to nominate them and our contracting staff will contact them requesting they join our network. If there is more than one provider in the office will they all be in the network?
Usually, they will all be covered, but not always. Some medical providers are contracted with APTN via their practice name or Federal Tax ID Number (TIN). In those cases, all of the doctors or other medical providers are covered. However, medical providers sometimes choose to not participate with us, even though their associates do. The only way to know for sure is to check participation of the provider on our website provider search function or to contact APTN at (954) 323-2247.
Can I enroll my Provider in your network?
Yes. We are continually building our network of providers. Click on Nominate a Provider in the right navigation. Please enter as much information below as you can for the provider you would like to nominate. We will immediately contact the provider.
Click here to contact customer service at APTN Services or call (954) 323-2247. |
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